Wisata Danau Grati - Ranu Grati Pasuruan

ranu grati pasuruanSalah satu objek wisata andalan Pasuruan adalah Danau Grati atau oleh para wisatawan domestik lebih populer dengan menyebutan Ranu Grati.
Objek wisata memiliki luas kurang lebih sekitar 200 hektar  yang terletak sebelah Timur Kota Pasuruan dengan jarak tempuh 16 km ke arah timur.
Objek wisata air ini dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat budi daya ikan gurami, mujair, dan nila merah. Para wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara dapat menggunakan perahu atau keramba apung yang telah tersedia untuk berbelanja ikan-ikan segar. Termasuk, ikan lempuk yang merupakan ikan teri khas Ranu Grati.
ranu grati pasuruanThe lake occupies about 197 hectares area located on the way between Surabaya – Pasuruan or it takes about 90 minutes drive from Surabaya. It is located at Grati Tunon village, Grati subdistrict. It's about 16 km east of Pasuruan. The lake has mount Tengger’s beautiful scenery. According to a legend, the origin of Grati Lake resembles to the origin of Pening Lake.
ranu grati pasuruanIt has available recreational facilities such as boats and floating fishing net pond (keramba apung) used for breeding fresh water fish such as gurami, mujair, nila merah, etc. Ranu lake produces lempuk fish (a kind of small anchovy), which only can be found in this place.
ranu grati pasuruanThe visitor can enjoy their time in this lake by doing some activity such as; fishing, walking around, and the others. This lake is the biggest lake in Pasuruan and often visited by local tourists, just to show the fisherman harvest their fishes.